[J-core] Sorry for the radio silence.

Fabjan Sukalia fsukalia at gmail.com
Sun May 14 16:06:20 EDT 2017


Am 14.05.2017 21:36 schrieb "Rob Landley" <rob at landley.net>:

Doing a good hardware instruction set is a significantly harder problem.
The main reason we haven't finalized and published our proposed 64-bit
instruction set for j-core is until we implement it in hardware (a ways
down the todo list) it's subject to change. (Last year Jeff and I
printed out the instruction set list and worked out that there _is_
enough space to do a 64-bit implementation. I believe Jeff has those
pages, but we could do it again if we need to.)

Is the draft open and maybe also in a Git repository? It would be fine if
we can review and comment it before the specification is finalised. The
folks at RISC-V have this open design process and it works good.

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