[J-core] What wiki should j-core.org use?

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Jun 19 23:06:42 EDT 2016

On 06/19/2016 01:08 AM, Rob Landley wrote:
> I have a todo item to do "wiki.j-core.org" (and put the turtle board
> info in it), and I have no idea which wiki to use.

The suggestion on irc was I should look at moinmoin.

I actually _did_ look at moinmoin, but when you google for "moinmoin
install" you get information overload. The second hit is:


That page has 44 links (not counting the site navigation0, and the first
of them says "This is intended to supplement, not replace, the offical
docs" with a link to something else I should maybe read first?

I clicked on the Ubuntu install guide
(https://moinmo.in/HowTo/UbuntuQuick which is in fact the _first_ google
hit), which has a nested table of contents 8 chapters long. After paging
down three times (I already have a web browser installed, thanks), right
after the admonition about README_FIRST in the source tarball (and how
we're not reading that now but it's another fork I maybe should be going
down instead of this page, which incidentally does not explain how the
_ubuntu_ install isn't telling me to apt-get something out of the ubuntu
repo but instead grab a tarball and install it outside of the pacakge
management system; is it _in_ the ubuntu repo?) I got to:

  sudo python setup.py install --force --prefix=/usr/local \

And my question was "Why do I have to do --force in the default install,
especially when I'm already running under sudo?", and "This is python 2,
not that crazy python 3 nonsense, right?" (I think I got an answer to
that from the wikipedia page on it?)

Which was the point I stopped reading last time. I'm aware the failure
mode of wikis is scatterbrained fractal incoherence, but I didn't think
we'd get there _before_ installing the thing. (The Mad Hatter's
admonition "Start at the beginning, and when you get to the end, stop"
is something wikis seem fundamentally incapable of. These people are
clearly steeped in wiki.)

But I can give it another swing based on the recommendation.


P.S. Sysadminning makes me grumpy. I probably didn't need to tell you this.

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